Thursday, December 13, 2007

Hassles of online swaps...

Nightmare... swaps not being sent over on UKScrappers. Unfortunately it hasn't been sorted off board, but instead has been made very public. I am not defending the person who didn't send, just wishing that it could have been sorted a bit less pulicly. It has turned into a lynching, with a new smack blog being set up directly aimed at the non-sender.
There will always be people in life who are not kind, or the sort of person you want to be friends with. I have experienced this myself, with one of them even emailing me on the day Nigel died to say how sorry she was. Yeah right, the day before you hated my guts, and took great delight in spreading nasty rumours about me, but then just because Nigel died you want to be friends again. Hmm, I think not.
There are plenty of very kind people I have met online, including people who have sent me boxfuls of craft stuff for the WAY party on Saturday. Thank you so much if that is you!

OK, rant over. Will chill out now. Tonight I am off out with fellow year one mums from Sophie's school for a meal. Should be fun. My wrist is still extremely painful... ah well!

1 comment:

lottie said...

hope you had a good time last night hun and your hand is feeling better.

i hate it when people do things like that and that person your talking about needs a right good *******

love you loads